Friday, September 21, 2007


Well, Ethan was put on yellow on Friday. In his school everyone starts on green. Your first infraction or warning for the day gets you on yellow. After that if you misbehave you move to red, then to the principle's office. I'm so disappointed, and at the same time surprised it took 11 days to happen. I guess he grabbed a kid after the kid grabbed him first. Then, to make my heart ache even more, he came home with some work that wasn't done. When I asked him why it wasn't completed (they don't have homework, so it was weird for him to bring unfinished work home) he said, "That was when I was sitting at my table crying." Doesn't that just sound pathetic?

I went to meet the teacher night on Thursday. Justin had to work so I was a "single mom." Since Hudson has a teacher that Alex had for 3rd grade, and the 3rd grade and 5th grade teachers give their "presentations" at the same time, I only sat through Alex's teacher's talk. (I did go in early and speak one on one to Hudson's teacher, saw his room, read his little note to me, etc.) Fifth grade sounds fun! They will be going on some really cool field trips (seeing the RPO perform at the Eastman Theatre, walking trips to the Mount Hope Cemetery and Corn Hill area) studying architecture and then building a house..lots of fun stuff. They also have a new Smartboard in their room, as does Hudson....but Alex also gets to use the Senteo, which is like a remote that can be used with the Smartboard for quizzes, etc. It's very cool. Our kids will be so tech savvy!

** Edited to note... Yes, they are called Smartboards...not Whiteboards. What was I thinking? Not so smart I guess :)


Anonymous said...

The Whiteboard is like the Smartboard, I think. We're getting them in our classrooms...but I'm not smart enough to get one yet. There's still hope!!

Anonymous said...

smartboards are advanced white boards. it is like a computer in inside one. its just too bad that none of my teachers have one. oh yeah, if you want to renew a magazine or buy a new one, call me. (i'm fundraising)

Kristin Sheller said...

I can't even go to the Back-to-School nights because they are adults only and I don't have a sitter!

Poor Eaffers, crying at the table. At least you know it bothers him to get in trouble at school.