Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Cat (or Should I Say the Snake?) Is Out of the Bag

Well, we tried to keep this information away from Grandma Patty, but the first chance Ethan got, he let the cat out of the bag.... so I thought I'd share it with everyone....Monday night I was taking the kids to the library and when I went to pull the outside door shut behind me as we left, I felt something on the handle.... A SNAKE was wrapped around my door handle!!!! A baby snake- but still!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Peter & The Wolf... Part I & II

Alex played the Grandfather in Peter and the Wolf on Monday at the VA Hospital for the Canandaigua Montessori School. She was excellent! Today she had 2 performances.... one at Valley Elementary School in Rushville (we saw Allie Bailey!!) and the other at Gorham Elementary. At these performances she was a Hunter. **Bragging Parent Alert..... Alex is the only student involved in Peter and the Wolf who has learned and will be performing 3 parts! Most of the other kids are performing one part. Some of the older girls are doing two.

Next Tuesday they perform at Bloomfield, and she will be Peter!
This is the cast from the Marcus Whitman performances, minus Mrs. Sciarratta who played the grandfather that day.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Our Busy Weekend....

It's Sunday... Just got off the phone with Mom. She told me that the BCS girls B-Ball team lost in the state finals. Too bad. I bet the weekend was still fun tough- and surprise Meredith and family showed up there today! There was a really great article in the paper about the Hudson legacy. Here is a link for all of you out-of-towners

Although the Williams stayed here in Bloomfield, we had a busy weekend of our own. Friday night Alex and I went to see the Bloomfield Production of The Sound of Music. It was pretty good. On Saturday I took the whole clan to see Canandaigua's version of Beauty & The Beast. It was AWESOME! As good as the Broadway production. The scenery was incredible! The kids (onstage) were so into it...I was nearly in tears. They even did that really cool clanging of he tin cups- know what I'm talking about?? It was sooooo good. (When I told Justin about it he said, Do we need to send Alex to Canandaigua?") And then we rushed over to Honeoye Falls to exchange Hudson & Ethan for Reilly & Dawn and us ladies went to see Annie. It was very good. I'm glad we went. I've seen a few versions recently because of Alex, but its been a long time since I've seen a REALLY GOOD version of it. Ms. Hannigan was hilarious! She reminded me of Dawn Case with her short little arms and legs! Alex of course had to be reminded not to sing during the show! We ran into a snow storm on the way home, so we didn't get to bed until about 12:15 or so, but Alex made it to church with me today. You guys missed a good one..... the band sang "In the Garden" and then a song they wrote called Kume By Ya Ya Ya (I'm making up the spelling)... it was very good.

On Thursday night Bloomfield had their storytelling festival, and Alex (along with 9 other kids) was once again asked to go on the BOCES festival to represent Bloomfield. She also just found out that she got a solo in the 4th grade chorus concert! Go Alex!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

So Much Snow....

No snow....

I just thought this was a cool comparison.

Homage to Justin Timberlake....

Put your "BLANK" in a box.... right?

In my case, fill in the "BLANK" with CHILD.....

It looks as though Ethan doesn't have any legs, doesn't it??


Here is our outdoor igloo...

And here is our indoor igloo...
I love that picture of Hudson & Dom in the snow.... it's so cute! Our indoor igloo took Justin 3 or 4 hours to cut out and make. It spent a week and a half in the dining room and I just dis-assembled it and moved it upstairs to the boys' room. It may last another few days before I get rid of it completely. It's starting to fall apart.... but the kids have really had a great time with it. They've had two sleep-overs in it with 3 kids sleeping in there! (one with Bobby and one with Dom)