Wednesday, October 03, 2007

He's a 'Poser....

This morning Ethan had the collar of his "handsome" shirt sticking up. I said, "Come here and let me fix your collar. You look like Elvis." When I was done, he put it back up and said, "Now I look like Franz Joseph Haydn." I'm like whaaaaat? He goes on, "Mom, he's a 'poser. He wrote The Joke." So, I have to look this up. Haydn sounds familiar to me, but I have no idea what he wrote. Sure enough he was a composer, and he did write Quartet No. 30 in E♭ Major ("The Joke"), Op. 33, No. 2. (Thank God for Wikipedia, right?) I found the music on iTunes, and Ethan was like, "Yeah, yeah Mom ...that's it!"

I told mom this story this morning and she said, "He is an idiot-savant."

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