Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Summer so Far...

We decided to brain storm some fun things to do this summer... between camps and soccer and hanging at the pool and dance classes. I asked each kid for a few ideas, and Justin and I came up with a few of our own. Ethan's big thing was to stay up till midnight watching movies and eating snacks. We finally did that Friday night (check!). We watched Harry Potter 3 and 5, and then went to see the new movie on Saturday at the theater (check!) Alex's were silly- like "eat watermelon out of the watermelon with a spoon like they did on iCarly" which she did (check!) Some things we had to "divide and conquer". For example, Justin took the boys to Grimes Glenn (check!) and I took Alex and Cate to Sonnenberg (check!)

We crossed off Geneseo Air Show (check!) even though we didn't pay to get in, but watched it from the campus grounds after a walk with Grandma Chickie. My sister said we were cheating- but o-well.


Hudson has been doing really well in soccer this season. His skills and confidence have really improved. He was quite pleased with himself when he scored 3 goals in one game!

I'll leave you with some funny pictures of the boys. Ethan- you're so weird.....
And I don't think Hudson likes his lunch!!

1 comment:

Maura said...

Fun pics and thanks for the update! Love you, Maura