Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Day....

Today was the first day of school. The kids were up early and ready to go with lots of time to spare. It helps that their bus doesn't come until 8:55am. In case you have lost track, Hudson is 6 and entering 2nd grade. Alex is 8 and entering 4th. (Doesn't that sound OLD??!!) Here is a picture of last year's first day to compare. Hey look! Hudson is wearing the exact same shirt! Whoops! At least it gives you a good comparison of his size- look at how much he has grown!

And next year we get to watch this monkey go off to kindergarten!

Hudson is looking a little "Jack-o-lantern-ish" lately. He lost his top tooth the other night while he was sleeping.... and we can't find it!! Wonder were it ended up?

* The kids just got off the bus at 4:20pm! Yes, that is late for them...hopefully the next few days will be a bit earlier. Normal time is about 4 or 4:05. Hudson was very quiet and hasn't said much of anything about the first day. Alex was the first person to talk to the new boy in her class.... hmmmmm, sounds a bit like her Papa.

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