Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Sarah here:

Ethan and I picked a huge bucket full of pears yesterday and I made pear ginger crisp with some of them last night after he had gone to bed. Today he tried it and he loves it. He had a big serving for lunch. A little later he said, "Mom, can I have more pear crust?" and then "Can we go get some more pears to make some more pear crust?" It doesn't sound as appetizing to me when it's called "Crust", but whatever.

We brought the scarecrow down from the shed attic and tied it to the fence out by the road. We snuck into the field and "borrowed" some corn from the friendly farmer to decorate with. Yesterday Ethan heard the tractor so we took off down the path to go see what the farmer was up to. He was harvesting the corn. We waved, and when the farmer got near, he turned off his tractor and came over to see us. "Are you the little guy Uncle Dick brought out here last year?" he asked Ethan. Ethan was so excited he could barely talk to the guy!

My camera is not operating right now- otherwise I would have added some pictures of Ethan on the ladder.

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