Thursday, January 03, 2008


I'm jumping ahead of finishing up my Christmas post, but I started thinking about these things and wanted to get them down before I forgot what I promised myself I would (try to) do this coming year. OK, here goes....

1. I know, everyone is rolling their eyes at this one, but #1 is to lose those last 10 lbs of baby weight- seeing as my baby is 5 ½ (pathetic, I know)
2. Keep a cleaner house- I'm thinking of setting up a schedule for myself like Sunday: clean bathrooms, Monday: vacuum the upstairs rooms, Tuesday: change sheets, etc. etc. Does anyone else do this? Does it work for you? Is cleaning your bathroom only once a week gross? Currently, I do wipe down the sink and toilet surfaces everyday, but I don't scrub the tub or scour the toilet everyday....I just don't want you to think we are drowning in toothpaste spit over here.
3. Be a better mom/wife/friend... I need to be a better listener.
4. Read more.
5. Spend less time just farting around.
6. Eat better and make my kids eat better- even if they aren't aware that is what I am up to :) I'd like to branch out and try new dinners. I feel like we are in a rut of foods they find acceptable.
7. This one goes along with #6- Plant more veggies and actually eat those veggies! Possibly make and store more foods, like tomato and apple sauce. (I did 2 big pots of tomato sauce this year and froze it in quart sized bags... but we are already all out!)
8. Make a quilt for Alex. She wants to re-do her room colors and I have some ideas brewing. I should update the boys room too... it is too babyish for an 8 year old.
9. Finally finish up those nagging little home projects I've started- like finishing the trim paint in the computer/craft room (formally the dining room) and replace my much needed shelf above the washer and dryer that came crashing off the wall one day.
10. Get outside more- get more exercise.

Well...that's a good start I think.

1 comment:

Kristin Sheller said...

We share many "resolutions"...definitely weight loss (although I need to lose many more LBs than 10...); the cleaning schedule (which, no, I don't do but was just thinking about it);#3, #4, DEFINITELY #6 - my kids eat like crap and I don't cook at all and need to change that NOW...and #10. We will have to keep in touch on these and do progress checks with each other.