Thursday, June 15, 2006

Kristin is Evil!

Sarah here- and all I have to say is, Kristin, you are evil, evil, evil..... Those cookies you sent me for my birthday are far too yummy!!! Sure- she loses all this weight and then sends me a dozen ginormous, delicious, different flavored (so I can't just have one and be done with it...No! I need to try all of the varieties) cookies. So, if you need me I'll be wiping crumbs off my chin in the kitchen.....


Kristin Sheller said...

Sorry! Thought I'd send something the kids and J would enjoy too! Next time I'll send flowers...or fruit...or poop soup!

Sarah said...

Poop soup?Please no-we've had enough poop around here lately... icky stomach bug passing through (litterally)- Sarah