Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Storyteller, Wizards & Batman Pancakes

Hi all. Sarah here. Alex has granted me permission to write on "her" blog. She wanted me to let everyone know that you can read about her storytelling experience at http://accelerateu.org/districts/bloomfieldCSD/bloomfieldElem/index.cfm?&SessionID=2663&ActivityID=8244 (And in case any one you were wondering- the other little dark haired girl is Grif Steppenbeck's daughter Emma. Remember Grif?)

Here are some more recent pictures ....kids playing Wizards

This is Hudson's Batman Pancake.....yummy (Justin IS an artist!)

And finally, Ethan modeling the latest in memorial Day Float headgear (and an orange Cheeto smile)...

Speaking of Ethan, this morning he said in his grumpy voice, "I'm NOT going to coffee. I'm NOT going to kindergarten and I'm NOT riding on the FLOAT!"

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